Shore Points Amateur Radio Club and The City of Brigantine Beach, NJ Proudly Presents....
The 8th Annual Ham Radio Sun and Fun
On the Tropical Island of Brigantine.
The Event will be held at the 15th Street North Observation Tower on the north end of Brigantine Island.
Field Day is on June 22 & 23th, our event will run from 10:00am Saturday to 2:00pm Sunday
All are welcome at the 15th Street North Observation Tower. Activities for all ages with the Famous Brigantine Beach just steps away.
Radio Communications set up by Ham Radio operators, in conj
Come see LIVE Emergencyunction with the staff of the Brigantine Office of Emergency Management, and sanctioned by the Amateur Radio Relay League
Get on the air yourself under the guidance of FCC Licensed Ham Radio Operators. Learn how to earn your Amateur Radio License, and make new friends around the USA and around the world while serving your Community.
SPARC will do a D-Star digital radio communications demonstration, Using both simplex and repeater modes. New updates about D-Star will be shown. SPARC will also do instructions on how to set up your own D-Star radio. Just ask us and we will help you with D-Star and all other modes. Also an HDTV demo with just a LCD TV and an antenna and we will show you how to get High Def without using cable TV.
New this year:
Our VHF Station will be powered by Solar Power set up by Rick KC2ESD as a total off the grid communications test.
SPARC's Special event call sign is: K2B (Kilo 2 Brigantine)
Our Frequencies Will Be:
HF (Short-wave bands):
14.260 MHz USB and 80 through 10 Meters.
VHF/UHF Repeaters:
146.985 (-) pl 146.2 Club Talk in Repeater
443.250 (+) pl 146.2 Club UHF Repeater
146.580 MHz FM 2 Meter Simplex
462.7125 MHz FM GMRS/FRS Channel 7